Why Python is The Language of Choice for Artificial Intelligence

Programming education has become more and more important to parents, and people are enthusiastically jumping headlong into the field of children’s programming and starting to find a new way out for their children.

Once a child has learned to program for a while, it’s time to think about the future. Yes, it’s time to expose them to code-based programming languages. Then the question arises, with so many code-based programming languages available, parents always have a “what to learn?” “Which one to choose?” “What will be useful in the future?” The problem is that parents are at a loss.

In fact, among these programming languages, some are simple and interesting, such as Scratch; some are powerful, such as C++, PHP; some are widely used, such as Python, Javascript.

What is Python

Python is a cross-platform computer programming language. It is an object-oriented, dynamically typed language that was originally designed for writing automated scripts (shells) and is increasingly being used for standalone, large-scale project development as versions are constantly updated and new features are added to the language.

Python is a human-speaking language, in the sense that it is a language where developers don’t need to pay attention to the underlying layers, the syntax is simple and intuitive, and the presentation is consistent. Professionally, it is more readable and simple and is a great way to learn how to solve problems and build logical reasoning behind programming.

Learn Python and you can use it for anything from automating robots and Internet-connected devices to simple games. Most importantly, it helps retain the fun of learning by minimizing the frustration of learning simple programs.

Python is Simpler and Easier to Learn

The same job may take 1000 lines for C and 100 lines for java, Python may take only 10 lines. And Python doesn’t need to be compiled, it runs directly.

Take “Hello World” as an example, and look at the code of several languages.

"Hello World"

C code

int main(){ printf("Hello, World!"); return 0;}

Java code

public class HelloWorld { public staTIc void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("Hello World!"); }}

Python code

print("Hello World!")

As you can see, Python’s code is more beautiful and concise, and the Python language is better for getting started.

It focuses on how to solve problems rather than the syntax and structure of the programming language. A small program can be completed with a simple learning curve.

Python’s design philosophy is “elegant, clear, and simple”. It is very close to natural language in the way it is spoken and has good readability, so of course, it is not obscure to understand and is more approachable. So it is more suitable for children to learn.

Python is more powerful, especially in the field of scientific computing and artificial intelligence, and is considered to be the preferred language for artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Python is the closest programming language to artificial intelligence, can be said to be very friendly, plus Python’s data mining class library in these years is also slowly being improved.

It can be said that Python has shortened the distance between humans and “artificial intelligence”. It can be said that such a simple code of Python is the most suitable for children to advance to code programming language. Interested parents can really learn about it!

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