
Showing posts from January, 2022

How To Calculate Artificial Intelligence Emotion?

The machine is trained to recognize emotions through physiological recognition data, but more complex aspects need to be considered in different contexts, depending on the active feedback of each user. Marvin Minsky, a renowned cognitive scholar, and computer scientist, once said, “The question is not whether a machine with intelligence can have any emotion, but how can a machine with intelligence not have emotion. Emotions shape personal life, link interpersonal interactions, and influence the atmosphere of a group. As technology has evolved, people have come to realize that technology that is not human enough is not appreciated, so today technology is pioneering a series of innovations to bring emotion awareness to technology and make it more accessible to people. The progress of affective computing dates back to 1995, when Rosalind Picard, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab, initiated an emerging cross-disciplinary study. Based on psychological

InnoLux Debuts Naked Eye N3D Display Technology

InnoLux today unveiled new key display technologies and product innovations through an online video, including the next-generation InnoLED technology, N3D displays for multiple users, and smart car cockpits. The event not only conveyed the core spirit of Drive Value, one of Groupon’s 3V business strategies but also demonstrated Groupon’s determination to develop a smart display. Among them, the multi-person N3D display is a hot metaverse business opportunity, which is expected to allow consumers to “see” for themselves. InnoLux points out that in response to the booming metaverse, immersive 3D visual enjoyment will become the mainstream trend in the future, and 3D stereoscopic displays can be regarded as a perfect bridge between virtual and reality. The first-ever N3D display for multiple users breaks through the limitation of 2D display and offers several innovative 3D display advantages, including low computing resources, no additional wearable devices, multiple viewers, and no di

Why Python is The Language of Choice for Artificial Intelligence

Programming education has become more and more important to parents, and people are enthusiastically jumping headlong into the field of children’s programming and starting to find a new way out for their children. Once a child has learned to program for a while, it’s time to think about the future. Yes, it’s time to expose them to code-based programming languages. Then the question arises, with so many code-based programming languages available, parents always have a “what to learn?” “Which one to choose?” “What will be useful in the future?” The problem is that parents are at a loss. In fact, among these programming languages, some are simple and interesting, such as Scratch; some are powerful, such as C++, PHP; some are widely used, such as Python , Javascript. What is Python Python is a cross-platform computer programming language. It is an object-oriented, dynamically typed language that was originally designed for writing automated scripts (shells) and is increasingly being used