
Showing posts from May, 2022

Drones Can Automatically Track Targets in The Forest

Austrian researchers have built an AI-powered drone that can follow moving things through thick forest. So much for retreating to the woods and surviving off the land if the robots ever attack. Research paper : While detecting and tracking moving targets through foliage is difficult (and often even impossible) in regular aerial images or videos, it becomes practically feasible with image integration …This finding together with the implementation of an initial drone-operated camera array for parallel synthetic aperture aerial imaging allows presenting first results on tracking moving people through dense forest. Besides people, other targets (e.g., vehicles or animals) can be detected and tracked in the same way.This might impact many application domains, such as search and rescue, surveillance, border control, and wildlife observation. There are several methods for tracking moving objects through thick vegetation, including FLIR and other thermal optics devices, but this adds a novel A

Language-Generating AI Could Revolutionize Science

These algorithms might revolutionize research, but not necessarily for the better, according to Shobita Parthasarathy, an expert in emerging technology governance at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Parthasarathy and colleagues presented a paper on the social consequences of upcoming AI technologies dubbed big language models on April 27 . (LLMs). These can write compelling writing, translate languages, answer inquiries, and even code. Companies like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft are developing them to use in chatbots, search engines, and document summaries. For example, Ought in San Francisco is employing LLMs in research to construct a tool called ‘Elicit’ that uses scientific material to answer inquiries. LLMs are already divisive. They sometimes repeat inaccuracies or bad preconceptions from millions or billions of texts. Researchers are concerned that streams of seemingly authoritative computer-generated language might induce mistrust and misunderstanding. Parthasarathy