
Showing posts from April, 2022

Science Fiction Movies Come True, Doubts About AI Weapons

There is no shortage of warnings in science fiction movies about artificial intelligence turning against humans, but there seems to be no slowing down the trend of developing artificial intelligence-related technology in recent years. The cyber attacks, deep-counterfeit technology, and suicidal drones that were used many times in the Russian-Ukrainian war have made experts from different countries worry that the AI arms race will become the source of the next big war. AI technology has brought about a qualitative change in the type of warfare Since the 2010s, the United Nations has been discussing the regulation of Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LAWs), but due to differences in the definition of LAWs among countries, it was not until 2018 that an initial consensus was reached, stipulating that the use of LAWs for lethal operations must be ordered by humans at last, but excluding LAWs that are “defensive in nature. However, LAWs of a “defensive nature” are excluded. Last year, Japanese tele

Scammers Impersonated a Boston Law Firm Using AI-generated Faces

Nicole Palmer is a Columbia University graduate and a lawyer. According to her LinkedIn, she “specializes in the implementation and preservation of industrial design” and has “been effectively growing her profession for 30 years.” The only issue is that she does not exist. And she assisted me in uncovering an internet fraud organization that was engaging in dubious actions such as extorting backlinks from bloggers and website owners. I’ve spent the last week researching Arthur Davidson, the so-called “legal company” Nicole works for. What I saw was frightening, a monument to how technological advancements have made it simple for fraudsters to build up legitimate-looking companies to prey on their victims. Hopefully, my discoveries may help others become more alert to similar frauds and protect themselves from them. DMCA copyright infringement Nicole contacted me with a “DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice” on April 13, introducing herself as a “Trademark Attorney of Arthur Davidson Lega

Elon Musk Predicts That by 2050, Every Home Will Have a Humanoid Robot

Elon Musk outlines how Tesla’s research of Full Self-Driving is transferring into its work in robotics in a recent TED interview, and how most houses will likely include humanoid robots in the not-too-distant future. Musk agrees with the interviewer that most households will have a home robot by 2050 while increasing artificial intelligence (A.I.) remains a major stumbling block. In an extensive interview, the Tesla CEO discusses his work with SpaceX, Neuralink, and The Boring Company, as well as the harsh public reaction to his enormous fortune and his social media habits. Solving real-world A.I. “It took me a long time to grasp that in order to solve self-driving, you actually needed to solve real-world AI,” Musk explains. “And once you’ve solved real-world A.I. for a car, which is actually a robot on four wheels, you can extend it to a robot on legs as well.” In the interview, Musk emphasizes that while firms like Boston Dynamics have demonstrated that it is feasible to create attr

ConcertAI Closes $150 Million Funding Round to Accelerate Cancer Research with 1 Click

One of the most talked-about start-ups is ConcertAI, which was founded five years ago as Concerto HealthAI and has about 1,000 employees with offices in Cambridge, Philadelphia and Memphis, and Bangalore, India. ConcertAI develops pharmaceutical data and AI analytics tools and has a list of familiar partners: Pfizer, Janssen, BMS (Bristol-Myers Squibb), etc. ConcertAI has also partnered with the FDA to study cancer. ConcertAI is part of the parent company SymphonyAI, which specializes in investing in, organizing, and incubating AI subsidiaries in various markets and fields. ConcertAI recently announced the completion of a $150 million Series C funding round, valuing the company at $1.9 billion, making it one of the top companies of its kind. The investor is Sixth Street, a leading investment firm with $60 billion in assets under management and an increasing number of life science investments in recent years, as well as a leading investor in unicorns such as the NBA Spurs and Spotify, a

NVIDIA Ai Turns 2D Photos Into 3D Scenes

Instant NeRF is a neural rendering model that can produce pictures of a high-resolution 3D scene in a few moments after learning it in seconds. Nvidia events are known for combining technical prowess with spectacle, and this year’s GTC conference was no exception. With a characteristic dazzling demo, the business concluded a week that saw the introduction of a new enterprise GPU and an Arm-based “superchip.” Nvidia demonstrated the inverse: converting 2D photos into a 3D scene in milliseconds, 75 years after the world’s first instant shot recorded the 3D world in a 2D picture. The technology, dubbed Instant NeRF, entails training a neural rendering model using a few dozen still photographs, as well as data on the camera angle for each shot. After that, the algorithm fills in the blanks by anticipating how light would behave in the real world. “Instant NeRF might be as significant to 3D as digital cameras and JPEG compression have been to 2D photography,” said David Luebke, Nvidia’s VP

US$1 Billion Market Cap! Facial Recognition DeepGlint

DeepGlint , a Chinese Artificial intelligence (AI) startup that had aimed for a US$300 billion valuation, made its market debut in Shanghai on Thursday, but its share price swiftly fell amid the meltdown in tech equities this week. DeepGlint shares have dropped 12% in the previous two days after being put on the US government’s trade blacklist in July last year, raising investor fears about the potential of China’s AI business. It had a market capitalization of one billion dollars. According to Zhang Yi, CEO of Shenzhen-based iiMedia Research, the business, which specializes in face recognition technology, is still losing money. “Investors will remain cautious until the business delivers a solution that can cure the industry’s “chokepoint,” he added. While China is anticipated to beat the United States in AI and other 21st-century core technologies, gaining investor trust by producing handsome returns remains a struggle for startups like DeepGlint. DeepGlint’s inaugural trading perform