
Showing posts from December, 2021

Ai Contribution to Dramatic Increases in Computing Power

The development of Artificial Intelligence is in urgent need of core hardware upgrades. Traditional chip products cannot meet the demand for intensive linear algebraic computation and high throughput of massive data in terms of basic capabilities, and the development of artificial intelligence chips has naturally become a catalyst for the development of artificial intelligence. In general, the demand for deep neural networks for computing chips mainly involves two aspects of communication and computation. The communication aspect has to address the need for communication of massive amounts of data between the computing chip and the storage device, thus requiring both storage of massive amounts of data and a large cache, as well as high bandwidth that enables massive data interaction between the computing unit and the storage. The computational side has to address the large number of computational requirements needed to support dense linear algebraic computations (e.g., convolution, f

Artificial Intelligence in Sales

Artificial intelligence is helping companies improve lead generation, closing rates, and overall sales performance. That’s because this technology automates and enhances much of the sales process. As a result, salespeople are free to focus on what’s important: revenue. Visionary companies are seizing on this fact. According to the Salesforce State of Sales report, sales leaders want their AI applications to grow faster than any other technology. Salesforce also found that high-performing teams are 4.9 times more likely to use AI compared to underperforming teams. However, AI is not replacing salespeople. The vast majority of companies using AI or programs also plan to add employees. That’s because AI is creating practical value for sales teams by automating, augmenting, and enhancing the way sales teams work, and several real-world use cases and tools are being used. But there’s so much hype around AI that salespeople often ignore this fact. We don’t blame them. They have a lot of nu

Artificial Intelligence How Can Save The Planet

The meta-universe is stirring up the real world because there are so many unknowns and ruined reputations. But today we take a look at some AI solutions that are saving the planet and find some examples of AI startups and how to effectively invest in AI technology to save the planet. Every day, AI is creating new opportunities around the world. Artificial intelligence technologies are being used in businesses to improve decision making, business processes and gain valuable insights. It is not forgotten that technology has a significant impact on the goal of sustainability. Developers are also trying to enhance the enormous potential that AI has to save our planet: detecting energy reductions, optimizing energy production, monitoring deforestation, predicting extreme weather conditions, cleaning the oceans, and protecting the population, to name a few. Cleaning & Protecting The Oceans 71% of the Earth is the ocean. But the planet is drowning in plastic pollution. According to the

Programmers AI code That is Increasingly Powerful

Write AI algorithms for programmers with AI algorithms? Perhaps the wish of many programmers that “you are already a mature AI, it’s time to learn to complete the code yourself” is about to come true. In June 2021, GitHub and Open AI worked together to launch an AI tool called GitHub Copilot , which can automatically complete code based on context, including document strings, comments, function names, and code, and as long as the programmer gives certain hints, the AI tool can complete the complete function. What’s shocking is that Copilot is still evolving. At the recent GitHub Universe 2021 developer conference, GitHub officials said that Copilot has started to support multi-line code completion for languages such as Java, C, C++, and C#, and added Neovim and JetBrains IDEs, including IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, and other popular developer editors are supported. GitHub says that 30% of the new code written today is done with the help of Copilot, an AI programming tool. Is Copilot that p